Friday, 8 July 2011

Stop Press: Dryw’s Inked Adventure Tavern

Click on thumbnail to go to downloads thread on CBW
Dryw the Harper has released this tavern plan with printable hand drawn "Imperfect" minis as a free mod, using some elements of the Modular Dungeon Basic Pack whilst adding his own wonderful furniture and figures.

Check it out!

Essential tavern fun. Useful as a base for players, between dungeons or a perfect setting for an urban encounter.

Encounter Lairs 2 - w.i.p

Click on image for preview
A work in progress. A sneak peak at the pre-colour design on the chapel dungeon section for Encounter Lairs Pack 2. This chapel can be underground as part of a dungeon or used as the interior of a building.

This pack will also showcase printable figures by the talented minis-artist, Dryw the Harper (of the Cardboard Warriors Forum).

The theme will be along the lines of a secret sect of templar knights (or similar) which can either be played as good, neutral or evil. The chapel may also be suitable for an undead encounter.

The final product will be fully compatible with other Inked Adventures modular dungeon sections.

Thanks for reading! -Billiam B.