Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Inked Adventures Etsy Store – New Products

When it comes to selling some physically created products (with the exception of Print-On-Demand and PDF files*) we are using an Etsy page.  Etsy, for the moment, is more secure for payments than our on-site button-buy which we are still trialling.  The Etsy marketplace has a wealth of unique products for gamer-hobbyists and collectors.

Recent additions to the Inked Adventures Etsy Store are the Fold-Away RPG Grid and All Rolled Up dice trays - specifically ones illustrated by Billiam Babble.

The Map & Dice Playing Cards are still extremely popular with customers and traders alike (see previous post).  We literally can't get them printed fast enough!  The hand-cut Dungeon Cut-Ups Cards Pocket Edition have been delighting the occasional old-school Dungeon Master.

Please feel free to visit our store page on Etsy and perhaps look in nearby stores also:

Thanks for browsing and may your dungeons be beautiful!


*DriveThruRPG, RPGNow and DriveThruCards and Paizo stores specialise in downloadable PDF products with some POD options.