Friday, 26 September 2014


We have executed our layout artist and proof editor for errors and omissions from the Crypts pack. Tonight many Bothans died in the struggle to deliver new files to appropriate websites. In the possible event of a failure to update customer libraries in time we are providing the amended Page 8 here (the corridor sections on that page were eleven squares long but measured 10 inches ... something was very wrong) Please feel free to download the following one page PDF.

P8_Crypts_Corrected_A4 (PDF 800k)
P8_Crypts_Corrected_Letter (PDF 800k)

After feedback and reviews we also felt that Crypts PDF would benefit from some extra "decrepit" rooms and corridor dead-ends.

BonusSheet_A4format_CryptsTombsCatacombs_IA2014 (PDF A4 6Mb)
BonusSheet_USLetterFormat_CryptsTombsCatacombs_IA2014 (PDF Letter 6Mb)

(DriveThruRPG link: )

Thank you for your custom and patience. :)

Example dungeon using Crypts Tombs and Catacombs Cut-Up Sections

Mock-up of dungeon sections in use Crypts, Tombs & Catacombs Inked Adventures 2014
Mock-up of dungeon sections in use from
Crypts, Tombs & Catacombs (& bonus section)
Click on image for full view PDF $7.50 USD PDF Free

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Inked Adventures: Heroically-Sized Furniture Counters


Heroically-Sized Furniture Counters – printable PDF

Currently $1.50 USD on DTRPG / RPGNow and other sites.


Click for screen capture of PDF contents
Click graphic for low-res
image of PDF
These Heroically-Sized Furniture Counters are inspired by scenery from an older style of dungeon board game where dungeon furniture is standardised by area and not proportion.  In this PDF the cut-out counters roughly cover 3×1 squares and 3×2 squares, with the exception of the chest which is 2×2 squares. (1 square = 1 inch when printed at 100% scale)
3×1* Counters
  • Cupboard
  • Fireplace
  • Weapon Rack
*slightly wider than 1 square when wall edge isn’t trimmed away

3×2 Counters
  • Table
  • Wizard’s Desk
  • Tomb
  • Altar
  • Torture Rack
Plus a 2×2 Chest counter

One page printable PDF in A4 and US Letter format

Free to download decrepit crypt sections

We've had requests for rooms in line with the "decrepit" theme for the Crypts, Tombs & Catacombs pack.
So here is the free to download bonus sections PDF:

Free on DriveThruRPG and the other OBS sites.

Contents of A4/Letter PDF

Two pages ( and an advert) depicting printable designs
- Three rooms, 20x20ft, 20ftx30ft, 15ftx15ft.
- "Dead-ends" for 5ft and 10ft corridors.


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Inked Adventures Room Sections for Warlocks

Inked Adventures Rooms for Warlocks printable dungeon sections on DTRPG

Room Sections for Warlocks Printable PDF
$2 usd on DTRPG and other sites
(currently at a reduced price at time of posting)

Large dungeon rooms of marked by magic!
Printable dungeon sections. 25/28/30mm figure scale

Possible layout of modular pieces. Compatible with other Inked Adventures tiles and cut-up sections. Click for larger view.
A possible layout of modular pieces. Click for larger view.

Thumbnail preview of PDF pages
Thumbnail preview of PDF pages

Monday, 15 September 2014

Crypts, Tombs and Catacombs Cut-Up Sections


Crypts, Tombs & Catacombs is now on sale on the OBS sites (including DriveThruRPG)

$7 USD reduced price.

Thumbnail images of pages from the Crypts, Tombs & Catacombs Cut Up Sections Pack (Inked Adventures 2014)